Your Pelvic Floor is one of the most important parts of your body. It supports your internal organs and your posture whilst aiding you in the simplest tasks such as going to the loo (for a number 1!) to the most complex physical challenge of giving birth. Strengthening your pelvic floor will help you now, and in the future as you age.
Whoever you are, male or female, your pelvic floor should be part of not just your exercise routine but your daily life.
Over the next two weeks how about stepping up to the challenge and perform this simple routine everyday for 2 weeks? After that time period you should have become more aware of engaging the pelvic floor and half way there to use it more effectively throughout your daily life without having to think about it too much.
Daily Pelvic Floor routine
1. Slow Pelvic Floor contractions
For 10 slow counts, start to engage your pelvic floor by imagining you are slowly zipping up a pair of slightly tight jeans, or creating the feeling of needing to go for a wee.
Engage your pelvic floor as much as possible without creating tension anywhere else in the body. Hold this connection for 3 slow deep breaths.
At the same speed as you engaged the pelvic floor, now lower it down until you completely release the pelvic floor.
– Do this x3 in a row, and repeat x3 per day
2. Fast Pelvic Floor contractions
Contract your pelvic floor as quick as possible in one count, and then release the contraction in one count. Repeat this x10. Keep the breath flowing as naturally as possible throughout.
Be very careful not to tense up any where else in when you do this, even if it means not contracting your pelvic floor quite as much.
– Do this x3 in a row, and repeat x3 per day
You can perform these exercises laying down or standing up. The more you do them the better you will get at it. Standing up is slightly harder to control the pelvic floor. I would suggest to start them lying down then progress to standing up. After a while you will be able to do them waiting for the bus, watching T.V. and even cooking!
Let me know how you get on below in the comments box below!