Working out at home

Working out at home

Exercising at home as boomed with the help of YouTube, Nintendi Wii and an endless list of celebrity DVD workouts. This is a great thing as keeping fit should not cost a fortune and exercise can easily be done in the privacy of your own home. The biggest problem is which one to buy/download? do the presenters know what they are actually doing? and is it going to make a difference to my body in the same way they claim?

Well, I thought with your best interest in mind I would try a selection of five YouTube home exercise routines and let you know which ones to are great and which ones to dismiss and why. Over the next five weeks I will be trying a session/method per week by various fitness ‘guru’s’ and letting you know what I thought! If you have any particular videos you would like me to try then please let me know asap.

First one I will be trying is Ashley Borden’s Perfect Form series. Ashley is one of the most sort after celebrity trainers in LA with an impressive client list, but can she inspire to us Brits in the same way? Watch this space for the review coming this week!



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